i read a story{s} that at one point mentioned a truck being concealed by a lift in the barn also mention was multi females
another is where a person winds up in the old west meets a relation and purchases a snake oil salesmans wagon
i read a story{s} that at one point mentioned a truck being concealed by a lift in the barn also mention was multi females
another is where a person winds up in the old west meets a relation and purchases a snake oil salesmans wagon
Due to an Accident I lost the use of my left arm so I haven't been writing for a little over a year. After talking to Jim7 One of my editors I've decided to start writing again. Starting with the continuation of Doc I should have the next chapter to my editors Sometime next week.
Now that is GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back Kingkey! And a tip o' the hat to Jim7, one of the best editors on the interwebs!
Due to an Accident I lost the use of my left arm so I haven't been writing for a little over a year.
I strongly recommend Dragon Speaking Naturally voice recognition/voice to text software.
I strongly recommend Dragon Speaking Naturally voice recognition/voice to text software.
Software Half keyboard solutions are also very good:
That's good news. I knew Jim was good for something, just couldn't work out what. He's also one of my editors - the one that gives me the most trouble. Hope to see you hanging around his Sol chatroom sometime.
If typing one handed is too big an issue, try some of the voice to text software.
typo edit
"That's good news. I knew Jim was good for something, just couldn't work out what. He's also one of my editors - the one that gives me the most trouble."
Kinky will be using the Dragon, so PC Bondsman and I will have to be extra careful with the edits.
JIM7 (aka TeNderLoin)
The biggest potential problem I can think of is how so many words sound the same. But have very different spellings and definitions. Those words will usually pass a spell checker and sometimes a grammar checker (might) fail to catch the variation.
I have seen it in some stories and usually just try and substitute a better word or term in my own mind. It usually works.
Welcome back Kingkey.
I am sure you will do a fantastic job of helping this writer continue to tell good stories.
I am sure you will do a fantastic job of helping this writer continue to tell good stories.
With everything else, Jim does a good job of keeping my blood pressure up with wanting to shove extra commas in every where.
With everything else, Jim does a good job of keeping my blood pressure up with wanting to shove extra commas in every where.
True, but him and all the rest of the good volunteer editors give a great support to the writers. Of course all the readers are benefactors of that support as well.
True, but him and all the rest of the good volunteer editors give a great support to the writers. Of course all the readers are benefactors of that support as well.
Oh, we all do benefit, but he just LOVES getting an early peek at the story and he seems to take an insane joy in heated discussions about grammar.
Oh, we all do benefit, but he just LOVES getting an early peek at the story and he seems to take an insane joy in heated discussions about grammar.
edited to add: At least Kingkey has been wise enough to point out early enough in the story that it becomes an alternate dimension from the one the MC started from. Sure saves on potential historical mix ups and/or problems. The interaction between the MC and others in the time period almost requires an alternate since its hard to judge just what could alter the history time line. There is no way to know just how much influence is created in saving one life or ending another one.
Then he definitely deserves my thanks. I have lost count of all the stories that mention his editing support.
If you were interested about the facts of the timeline of the story DOC here is the link I use for the timeline of Deadwood South Dakota.
I try to keep To as many facts as possible Remember Doc is written In 1876 Remember this is a work of fiction so in some cases it may be different. For example the smallpox epidemic it did wipe out 70% of the population although I have it in a story in less than 20% died.
Oh, supeeerrr :)
Another good writer is back, and good story is going to be finished :)
Hope to see you finish this story and write a lot more good stories here.
And please don't be shy so sometimes please write couple of words here on Forum too.
And hope your health will be good or even better...
the first sounds like one of Cmsix's stories
probably "Taking a Trip Back Home"
and for the second I confirm it's probably Doc
Cmsix's stories
It could also be his "Why me Lord"
And he has quite a few other titles which involve truckers and/or trucks
Could the first story be Depression by Cmsix
That has an vehicle elevator in the Barn and a truck ramp, to park trucks etc under barn.
Though the elevator doesn't turn up till around Chap 10.
I have often wondered, do those speech-to-text softwares allow one to go back and edit the text vocally later?
I might be wrong but that is where the editors and/or proof readers need to step up and help. The speech-to-text programs are going by sound and have to be trained I believe for an individual user's accent. So many words sound the same but have totally different meanings and spellings that its hard even for those who write or edit in a more standard form. edited: especially useful for the sight impaired writer who has to rely on those programs a great deal.
At least with the right help most of those problems could be overcome. Heck even dead tree published books have errors however.
The speech-to-text programs are going by sound and have to be trained I believe for an individual user's accent.
True, but once trained properly, the better ones like Dragon are very accurate. They also allow you to verbally spell words.
I have often wondered, do those speech-to-text softwares allow one to go back and edit the text vocally later?
Dragon Speaking Naturally, has a full set of vocal editing commands.