Olivia Wilde Still in a Swimsuit of the Day

Olivia Wilde Black Swimsuit

I was just told by one of my holes that Olivia Wilde was a hot chick on the OC where she played a Lebsian….I guess I could have worked that one out on my own but if you read this site, you’ll know that putting work into figuring out who the bikini or in this case mom in a one piece because her body hasn’t bounced back and she’s insecure about it, even though she’s made it in America, not to mention she’s a rich kid who doesn’t need to make it, hence why she’s so vapid and vain and putting an importance on her looks, when there’s nothing else for her to really put her efforts into….it’s the definition of Hollywood…

She’s not that great, but not much is, it’s this or it’s instagram sluts half naked…and this get paid to be in movies so by default more worth it…


Olivia Wilde Still in a Swimsuit of the Day November 27th, 2017