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    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

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    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
Apr 17, 2012
Aug 25, 2011
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Sex Machine, Female, from The room next to ari's in the angels mansion....

jazellenia_isno_ballernia was last seen:
Apr 17, 2012
    1. Hornydeaf
      That's what I told him and informed of the ignore list. He's prob pissed off now hahahahaha. Well more worries now he's on ignore so I can keep my brain cells
    2. Hornydeaf
      Anyway how's ur weekend going? Got any fav football teams or u don't watch nfl?
    3. Hornydeaf
      Seeing all these people defended me made me feel good and know that im not alone in this bullshit lol. Because of what I said bout his dog killer lover he went to my thread and disrespected my opinions. Its bad lol
    4. Hornydeaf
      Lol yea I left a nice farewell message for him and now he's prob pissed cuz he can't respond to me so I got feeling he'll start saying he scared me off haha
    5. Hornydeaf
      Hey thanks anyway. I put him on ignore list to remove temptation to fight back. Done nuff of that in real life...thanks again
    6. arizona1664
      missing you...
    7. arizona1664
    8. arizona1664
    9. arizona1664
    10. arizona1664
      mmm.....I shall hurry believe me!!!
    11. arizona1664

    12. arizona1664
      didn't show babe....:(
    13. arizona1664
    14. arizona1664
    15. arizona1664
    16. arizona1664
    17. stoned-monkey
      Well shit I hope you do :P
    18. stoned-monkey
      Well it beats most people's day job that's for sure.
    19. Tha_Proff123
    20. arizona1664
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  • About

    The room next to ari's in the angels mansion....
    I can be a bitch, sarcastic, and witty, but underneath.......is a torn soul.

    I love the movie Deafula, I enjoy partys, friends, and living on the "wild side".


    Arizona's Enigmatic Angel.

    no need to call me a bitch.
    I already knew that.

    its not attitude...its sass.

    "Ballerina" is spelled wrong for a reason. A tribute to my sister. So dont crap on me about it.
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