Laetitia Casta is some French model from French France….who must be old as fuck by now…
In the 90s, she was one of the first girls you’d find on celebrity porn sites….before blogs like this very important life project of mine that has dominated my last 15 years were a thing…these weirdo thumbnail gallery posts or TPGs were where you’d go for the porn. They’d basically be a page of pics, you’d click the one you liked, and you’d end up on some sales page for a porn affiliate….but there would be a gallery of the tits. Some of these were celeb themed and I guess Latitia was one of the popular ones because she’d have galleries. She had massive tits….her tits pics were everywhere…in an era when tit pics weren’t everywhere…so it meant something. It was special.
I don’t know why I went to the model/celeb nudes by default, maybe I’ve just always hated or been turned off by public whores / sluts / sex workers and like my nudity to come from an “artistic” place…like she was a model or actress and getting naked was for the job, and it left mystery and imagination, had some class or substance…while porn was just graphic shit that reminded me of an all you can eat buffet…just average women doing vulgar things cuz they had to pay the rent…while celeb and model shit was vetted, more prestigious, less trashy and disgusting and still naked…
So her and I go way back…she’s like my old mistress who doesn’t know I exist because the closest I’ve got to her was jerking off to a picture of her….and I don’t think she got that notice from my FBI agent watching me jerk off to her and trying to exploit that video to send to my contacts. It was a simpler time back then.
Not that I like talking about jerking off to slow loading tit pics on dial up in the 90s…I actually hate when dudes talk about jerking off, it’s so queer and basic and awkward. Keep it to your damn self…but it was important for the sake of this story….to remind her and myself that I have some sort of connection with her tits….it is her legacy…and a reminder that I’ve been doing this shit WAY too long and I’m not a dot com billionaire from it…oops….too much jacking off.

Posted in:Laetitia Casta|SFW