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  1. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Well, a little more than that. They can still to a forensic analysis of the crime. I'm interested in how far apart they were when the gun was fired, for one thing. But I wonder about the credibility of witnesses, given that the police department seems to have completely botched the initial investigation. Now people are pretty much free to make up any story they like, on both sides.
  2. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I repeat:

  3. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I used to be that foolhardy myself, and took chances I wince at now. Blacks have a rate of violent crime that is over seven times the white rate. Consequently their neighborhoods are dangerous, especially after night.

  4. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I never said the Bible was infallible. I do like to quote Charles Murray. However, I do not base my opinions on what he says, but on what I can document myself.
  5. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    If you really disagreed with me you would not get so angry at me. You would calmly prove that blacks behave and perform as well as whites by documenting your assertions with facts drawn from credible sources.
  6. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008
    We have a "black sheep" in our extended family that broke into somone's house. When he was found out, he ran from the house. The owner of the house grabbed a gun and shot him to death as he was running away. That's still murder in my book. You don't shoot a man who is running away even if he is guilty of a lessor crime.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  7. EvnMorRude

    EvnMorRude Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 16, 2012
    A black Long Island man was sentenced Wednesday to 2-to-4 years in prison for killing a white teen in a racially charged showdown at the foot of his suburban driveway.

    The jail term for John White - significantly less than the maximum stretch of up to 15 years - infuriated the parents of the slain youth, 17-year-old Daniel Cicciaro.

    The dead boy's father, in a profane outburst outside the courtroom, made an apparent threat toward White's teen-age son.

    "Does this mean as long as you're black and there's a problem at the end of your driveway, you can shoot my son in the face?" Daniel Cicciaro Sr. asked. "Let's see what happens when Aaron White gets shot."

    Inside the courtroom, Cicciaro was joined by stunned family and friends as tears and gasps greeted the lesser sentence.
    The dead teen's mother - who earlier spoke of never holding her grandchild, or dancing at her son's wedding - leaned forward and wept.

    Earlier, John White offered an apology before he was sentenced by Judge Barbara Kahn.

    "I broke a covenant with God in taking his life," White, 54, said about the August 2006 shooting after two carloads of white teens came to his home looking to attack his son.

    "I remain remorseful," he continued, his voice trailing off. "That's it ..."

    He was convicted in December, after a particularly tense trial, of second-degree manslaughter and a weapons charge. The verdict came with a controversy, as two jurors said later that they were leaning toward acquittal before the judge told them they would have to deliberate on a Sunday if the panel couldn't reach a decision.

    The jury had twice sent out notes saying they were deadlocked before returning with the Saturday night verdict.
    White, in his testimony, said he walked out of his home with a weapon after the gang of white teens showed up late at night looking for his son, Aaron.

    The group was riled up by an inaccurate claim that Aaron White had threatened to rape one of their female friends.
    John White claimed his gun accidentally discharged. Cicciaro, shot in the face from three inches away, was mortally wounded.

    This black man went to the end of his driveway to confront these kids. He did not have to. He could have went in his house, locked the door and called the police. The white kids were wrong for what they did, but it was not racially motivated. The white teens were also not armed. The black man only received 2-4 years for his crime and only served 5 months. His sentence was commuted by a black governor the last day of his non-elected office. So when people say if it was the other way around and a black man shot a white person, that black person would just use the same famous Al Sharpton "I'm black and the white man is out to get me" defense and. The black man would get off and Al Sharpton will make his money exploiting his people, perpetuating the racial divide.

    Stop Making everything racial. It's over. Black people get everything from free college and food to money. They get extra points on tests for jobs and are required to be hired by companies even if there are more qualified people of a different race. As long as we keep categorizing black people as a separate race and class, they will be a separate race and class in the eyes of most people. I thought this country was based on equality and these practices are definitely not equal. We've made a comfortable rut for black people by doing this and it will only hurt them and keep them down as long as we subsidize their poor uninspired culture. I find nothing wrong with black people, the only problem I see is the culture that the majority of black people subscribe to. And it's not that they should act more white. White doesn't have a culture. White people are made up of many cultures. If acting white means not being parasitic and obnoxious then maybe you'd have a point. There are many other races that subscribe to this black culture and they are just as abhorrent. So it really has nothing to do with the color of your skin. If anyone is guilty of anything it is the people and powers that be in this country that champion and support this parasitic, subsidized culture. Now pull your god damn pants up!:-H
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  8. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Let's repeat this slowly for you.

    What you posted was the result of an occurrence and not the occurrence. Witness statements are also conflicting, ergo you cannot know what happened, you may guess but that is all you can do, but guesses aren't what we expect from a "master of facts".

    So you declare all black neighbourhoods dangerous on the stats of one crime, again not a proper use of statistics and just leads you to guessing where is dangerous and where isn't. But this is what we expect from you and your bigoted approach to blacks world wide.

    But if guess are okay to base a theory on. I will take a guess from your high fascination with young virgins and a self declared interest and a yearning for girls of 14 - 17 that you are in fact a hebephile and possibly on the sex offenders register and that is the reason you cannot or will not move to a nicer part of town because the police will have to declare to your new neighbours your offences.

    I admit that my above theory is based on guess work and a few borderline postings of yours, but what the hey, if you can do it then so can I.
  9. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    This is what obama does he gets involved and the problem gets bigger. Just like the cop and the professor that was arrested. He should learn to keep his mouth shut until all the evidence is out. And this does not need holder there. And now the black panthers have posters dead or alive.
    Could you imagine if it was reversed and the KKK had posters like that??
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    One of the positive things to come out of this terrible unnecessary tragedy is that it is casting new light on these kinds of shoot first ask questions later laws and perhaps more importantly the corporate sponsors of ALEC who are promoting these kinds of laws.

    Lobbyists, Guns and Money

  11. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    First off tell me when I brought up OJ??? I never did. Second the witness came out in the start of this and has been afraid for his life as Zimmerman is. And I brought out the fact that Zimmerman was Mexican because it is being reported that he is white and that is not the fact.

    As soon as obama and holder opened their mouths then rev al and shaken down sharpton and farracan the three that want racial division to keep them selves in the money came out.
    Now the WSO are getting involved why??? What do they have to do with this other than rioting??

    All I know is that there will be riots you can see it and I have seen this time and time again with these instigators in NY. Do you remember the twana brawley indecent?? rev al ran with that and it was all based on LIES.

    Let the facts come out and see where it goes but having the panthers and the rest of the instigators there will not help.

    And I can bet that if the KKK went there with a rope and a sign that said dead or alive if the roles were reversed then they would have been arrested. But holder and obama have given them a pass on everything they have done. they made this a race problem and they know it.
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Well you are right about one thing BigSobbing. This is a racial problem. And that problem is that thanks to groups like ALEC and the NRA its all but legal to just shoot black people. Now that is a racial problem alright and I sure don't have a problem with people of all races and religions protesting that.
  13. EvnMorRude

    EvnMorRude Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 16, 2012
    You watch too much T.V. and buy into all the bullshit. No one is going around shooting black people. In fact most of the people shooting black people are other blacks. They just don't make a big deal about it in the news. At least 70% of black on black violent crime goes unreported by news. Those same crimes between two different races are always reported even though they happen much less. There are two sides to every story and most are somewhere in the middle. The kid was probably acting or doing something he shouldn't and the fucking watch group wacko should have been put in his place a while ago and told to cut the shit. I blame the community for not stopping the whacko earlier. He was probably just as dangerous to his neighbors as a black person. eg. Neighbors kid, middle of the night, sneaking in or out of the house to hangout. This whacko probably would have shot the kid from a window without even stepping outside. The problem isn't these laws that allow to protect yourself or property, it needs to be made clear that there has to be a clear and present danger to yourself or another in order for someone to take action. They should arrest him and then figure out whether his defense holds.
    It has nothing to do with race.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Where you are showing your ignorance is the Florida Stand Your Ground law and more than 25 other laws promoted by ALEC and adopted in different states does not require and present danger. All the individual has to do is FEEL THREATENED and they can resort to deadly force. Hence the shoot first and ask questions later analogy.

    And it does have EVERYTHING to do with race.


  15. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    Uncut Audio 911 call

  16. EvnMorRude

    EvnMorRude Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 16, 2012
    Well actually by posting that article your really helping prove my original point. It also doesn't mean blacks did not commit these crimes nor does it show the stats of black crime compared to white.

    This black man went to the end of his driveway to confront these kids. He did not have to. He could have went in his house, locked the door and called the police. The white kids were wrong for what they did, but it was not racially motivated. The white teens were also not armed. The black man only received 2-4 years for his crime and only served 5 months. His sentence was commuted by a black governor the last day of his non-elected office. So when people say if it was the other way around and a black man shot a white person, that black person would just use the same famous Al Sharpton "I'm black and the white man is out to get me" defense and. The black man would get off and Al Sharpton will make his money exploiting his people, perpetuating the racial divide.

    Stop Making everything racial. It's over. Black people get everything from free college and food to money. They get extra points on tests for jobs and are required to be hired by companies even if there are more qualified people of a different race. As long as we keep categorizing black people as a separate race and class, they will be a separate race and class in the eyes of most people. I thought this country was based on equality and these practices are definitely not equal. We've made a comfortable rut for black people by doing this and it will only hurt them and keep them down as long as we subsidize their poor uninspired culture. I find nothing wrong with black people, the only problem I see is the culture that the majority of black people subscribe to. And it's not that they should act more white. White doesn't have a culture. White people are made up of many cultures. If acting white means not being parasitic and obnoxious then maybe you'd have a point. There are many other races that subscribe to this black culture and they are just as abhorrent. So it really has nothing to do with the color of your skin. If anyone is guilty of anything it is the people and powers that be in this country that champion and support this parasitic, subsidized culture. Now pull your god damn pants up!

    The media turn these interracial situations into such a show, that the average asshole who doesn't care who gets executed, is now "informed" on the entire case. That average asshole is now fired up like when they watch their favorite CSI and Law and Order. The media turns these cases into opinion filled circuses that are riddled with special interests on both sides. The average idiot believes everything he sees, reads and hears and then they want blood.

    Black on black crime does not get this attention. The powers that be want the racial separation. It makes it easier to keep a huge percentage of this country separated. It can then pit one against the other in class warfare. With everyone so fired up with race issues all the time, no one notices what the other hand is doing. Racism does not make news anymore, news makes the incidents racist.

    Could you imagine if the country was actually united and there was no such thing as black or white. Half the news stories would be gone and people would have to look further into the important happenings of this world to get their entertainment (not that the powers that be would give it to them).

    They would no longer be able to promote black culture and rot the bottom out from this country. As long as the media is able to hype big pimpin, gold wearing, women degrading, rim buying and music and sport stars as the aspirations of a culture, they will be kept poor, ignorant and separated. And as long as black people identify with this culture as a majority, there will be a racial problem.

    Keeping them poor and dependent on the government for all their needs. Black culture has no problem being poor (*not_secure_link*youtu.be/NzspsovNvII) and has thrived on government handouts. The government has no problem with them sucking on the tit because they now have the portion of the population under there thumb. Want that portion to support you, offer more benefits. Want the middle class to get up in arms and forget about other issues like the financial destruction and power consolidation within our world. Make the middle class pay for these increased benefits.

    Many other races subscribe to black culture. Some more than others, but the black race as a majority subscribe to it. The culture was not created solely by them and I believe they have been steered into this hole throughout time. They do not have to be in this cultural hole any longer, but they are very comfortable being there and the real powers in this country also love providing that hole for them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  17. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    OI!! DL!!
    Have you figured out yet why the Kuskagee Airmen performed so well in WWII?

    And how bout them Japanese, a race you say are inherently superior to most other races? Figured out yet how Murray would address their brutality for over a decade around WWII?

    And, as long as we're on the subject, how is it them Germans (another above average race) decided genocide was a good idea? And while we're on the subject, how is it all those Jews walked quietly into the gas chambers and allowed a few Million of their like to be enslaved and brutally murdered by the Germans??

    Just asking, since you are so fond of "facts" and such............
  18. Heyesey

    Heyesey Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2008

    Based on how it gets reported over here, the question of whether he DID act in self-defence is not even relevant. He can't be prosecuted if he CLAIMS he acted in self-defence. At least, that's how the BBC interprets the "stand your ground" law, or else it's how the BBC thinks that the Fla. police have interpreted it.
  19. CFH420

    CFH420 Porn Star

    Aug 5, 2010
    Look how stupid you idiot Americans who watch mainstream tv are.

    People die everyday, last night some black people got shot by other blacks in Chicago...guess that didn't make the news.

    Down in Houston a woman was stabbed to death, they probably wont find the killer.

    But this shit gets on TV? And you morons praise it, no wonder why that dumb bitch who killed her kid made a ton of money off you brainless fools
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Here's the difference. We've always had the legal concept of self defense in this country where someone under attack is legally allowed to meet force with equal and opposite force. Now where that would come to play here is if someone is beating you up with his fists you cannot pull out a gun and shoot them. That's not equal force.

    But under these Stand Your Ground laws you are not required to meet force with equal and opposite force. You don't even have to see a weapon of any kind or actually be physically attacked in order to resort to deadly force; i.e. pull out your gun and shoot them.

    All the individual has to do is FEEL THREATENED. And I emphasis that not out of hysteria, but as you can see its based on a totally subjective impression of the individual in that moment.

    A much better example although seemingly forgotten is the case of the Chinese Exchange Student who was trying to celebrate Halloween in Florida but not fully understanding what it was supposed to be. He was a college student, going to a party but arrived at the wrong address and dressed in costume he came rushing up this driveway screaming and waving his arms and the home owner shot and killed him in his driveway.

    Despite official protests from China and other Asian countries the shooter was never charged because he "felt threatened."

    PS I meant to update this to say the investigation is getting much more complicated because of leaked police reports that say Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman, knocked him down, and was actively fighting with him when Zimmerman shot him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012