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A Wall Street veteran who has helped launch over 400 ETFs breaks down how the election could be a 'death knell' for massive investor inflows — and explains why it could have mutual-fund managers licking their chops

FILE PHOTO: Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., March 19, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/File Photo
Traders work on the floor of the NYSE in New York. Reuters
  • ProcureAM's Bob Tull has helped launch over 400 exchange-traded funds during his career. 
  • He said Democratic control of the presidency and Congress could be worrisome for the ETF industry because the party could weaken tax benefits that accrue for investors. 
  • ETF assets have ballooned partly because of their tax and cost advantages, compared with mutual funds.  
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Since their creation in 1993 — and especially since the global financial crisis — exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have gained massive popularity. 

ETF assets have grown twofold to about $5 trillion since 2016. According to Goldman Sachs, they could grow to $50 trillion over the next decade. That's in large part because they offer broad diversification with a relatively small amount of money. 

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But mutual funds offer diversification too, even though they don't have a reputation for low costs like ETFs do. Yet many see the future of mutual funds, which right now collectively hold assets worth about $20 trillion, suffering at the hands of the ETF's rise.

One reason is their unique tax status. When large institutional investors in mutual funds redeem their shares of individual securities instead of selling their shares of the fund, smaller investors in the fund are also responsible for paying taxes for those gains taken by the larger investor.

This isn't the case for ETFs. Investors pay capital-gains taxes only if they sell after their own shares of the ETF rise. Redemptions by other investors aren't taxed.

However, that could change depending on the makeup of Congress and the occupant of the White House starting in 2021, Bob Tull of ProcureAM said. He has helped launch over 400 ETFs in his career, including his firm's fund UFO, the first pure-play space ETF.

If Democrats win the presidency and take a majority in both houses of Congress, there's a chance that ETFs could see their redemption-tax exemption disappear, Tull said. 

"There are some Democrats who are trying to put forth the idea that that's unfair, and therefore the fund should be taxed just like a mutual fund," he told Business Insider in October.

While many Democrats in Congress support raising capital gains taxes and Joe Biden has proposed a higher rate on those earning more than $1 million, it is unclear who supports instituting a tax specifically on capital gains made from ETF redemptions. 

Tull added: "If they do that, that would give the ETF industry pretty much a death knell, to a certain extent." 

As of Wednesday morning, the results of the presidential and congressional elections were still being tallied.

Tull, who worked with Morgan Stanley and had a hand in creating some of the first ETFs in the early '90s, has skin in the game and is an outspoken defender of the ETF industry. 

He said he thinks underperformance from mutual funds is driving the industry to lobby for tax reform to bring back inflows to them.

"They don't want to change the way they do business. They'd rather argue that we're doing something wrong," Tull said.

He added: "Over 20 years, that active mutual-fund industry has only had six quarters where they actually made money above the S&P 500 benchmark. So they've failed for all intents and purposes over the last 20 years because of the way they manage money. I think that probably has more to do with it than the tax structure."

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